Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Food Diary

This is a typical day for me with our new eating lifestyle.

7am- Whole grain pancakes with homemade berry syrup. I make the pancakes and syrup the night before so all I need to do is reheat in the morning!
9am- Hot tea 10am- Organic, Lactose free Raspberry yogurt. This has no sugar added and only the fruit to sweeten it.
11am- Homemade graham crackers and more hot tea. I’ve been starting to drink dandelion root tea. It’s helps stabilize hormones and detoxifies the liver.
12:30pm- 3 cups mesclun greens, ½ cup sliced red cabbage, and 1 cup of shredded chicken (I boiled this the night before. Made enough to last the week. I’ll have it in a whole grain pita with avocado and pomegranate seeds tomorrow!) 2 TB balsamic vinegar and olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper.
2pm- More graham crackers and a kiwi. (I’m lucky enough to work at a place that brings in a bunch of organic fruit every day!)
4pm- Munch on some raw green beans on the commute home.
6pm- Organic chicken sausage, quinoa, and mashed sweet potato.
8pm- Snack on some homemade wheat thins and cottage cheese. More tea!

I also drink a ton of water throughout the day. I don’t really drink much besides water and tea. If I do, it will be naturally sweetened seltzer or some sort of milk. Remember, diet drinks are FULL of chemicals.

There will be days on occasion that are not as clean. For instance, my Anniversary is this week and there may or may not be fois gras poutine in my future. But the bright side is, when I have those “cheats”, I’m not going to beat myself up about it. I will actually savor it because I know my everyday meals are filled with whole, clean, nutritious foods. The flip side of that is I’m finding myself craving whole, clean foods more and more.

One more thing I want to add, and can't say enough, is preparation is the key!  Everything I eat in a day is absolutely delicious.  None of it feels like a diet or needing to be choked down.  However, it's not as easy as running out to grab fast food or heading the the vending machine for a snack.  If you prepare for each week with healthy snacks portioned and ready to go, healthy lunches ready to put together, etc.; you will suceed!  

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